Executable Phenotypes
Sharephe follows i2b2 design pattern, leverages i2b2's robust query language, using ACT i2b2 query ontology that has coverage for many standard data domains and terminologies to facts.
Sharephe follows i2b2 design pattern, leverages i2b2's robust query language, using ACT i2b2 query ontology that has coverage for many standard data domains and terminologies to facts.
Sharephe consists of a server cell called SharepheCloud, handles all communications and movements of data between plugin and Amazon AWS cloud server.
Sharephe consists of Sharephe Ontology cell, augments i2b2's core ontology cell. It contains methods to efficiently traverse the ontology to collect codes in the queries and translate into human readable form and to extra data modalities.
Sharephe converts i2b2 query into several common data models like OHDSI/OMOP and PCORI CDM in addition to standard HL7 Clinical Quality Language (CQL).
Create web app to interact to support user browsing computable phenotypes outside of the i2b2 application and download of computable phenotypes for other common data models(OMOP, PCORI CDM, etc).
Create supportive plugins for creating control sets, allowing NLP criteria and simple data characterization visualizations.